Wednesday, August 12, 2009

FINAL REPORT: Mom's recent Ovarian Tumor Surgery

My mother Alice got her final report today on her recent Ovarian Tumor surgery. As you recall that evil thing growing inside her was 10+ pounds. My mom is petite. 5’2 at the most so that thing was huge as it found asylum in her body. It was excised and documented here.

Finally, today, she was able to meet with her surgeon who apparently took a month long vacation immediately upon completion of her surgery back in July. The news is good. Although the tumor was considered borderline, she was told today that she has NO CANCER. Needless to say Mom is happy.

Mom would again like to thank everyone who took the time to keep her in your thoughts. She appreciated the prayers as well. Needless to say Mom is grateful.

Love you mom. Glad to hear the good news. Stay healthy. Needless to say come back to visit real soon.

And get a Twitter account already. LOL.

CC: brother T Mark

Posted via email from foodandhowtoeat's posterous

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