A lot has changed in that 15 years. I wrote off Weezer somewhere along the way as irrelevant as my musical tastes developed. I came back in 2005 for their Make Believe CD which included Beverly Hills and Perfect Situation. Also enjoyed last years CD, (the Red Album) which included Pork and Beans.
I didn't even know they had a new album out until my brother @TMarkM tweeted about it yesterday. He is a die-hard Weezer fan. I'm sure they have some name for that but of course I don't know the name. Weezerheads? LOL.
Anyway their new CD Raditude dropped sometime this week. I especially like the album cover but hate the name Raditude after all these guys are all middle-aged and that sounds way too sophomoric to me. Wait? I'm middle-aged. Crap!
My fave song on the CD so far is (If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You to. This song is fast, infectious and catchy as all heck. Unmistakeably Weezer even with the acoustic guitar.
Another good song is The Girl Got Hot which has that stadium rocking vibe that is popular right about now.
Can't Stop Partying to me sounds like some version of a Linkin Park song. Is it just me? And what's with the rap interlude in the middle. My sources tell me it's Lil' Wayne. Audible sigh.
Another track worth mentioning is Love Is The Answer with it's Indian Sitar influenced melodies. It's OK but will need to grow on me as it's a bit to mellow for me.
Overall this album is a return to form for Weezer and the more I listen to it, the more I like. You should give it a try.
3.98 Stars out of 5
PS: Found their recent Letterman performance--->
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