Tuesday, October 27, 2009

REVIEW: Leather Portfolio Notebook Thingy Thing

Back when I was in Prison---er---back when I worked in a Prison, I had these leather notebook portfolios thingy things made for me and my bro @TMarkM.  The year was 1993.  These portfolios thingy things were made by the Captain's "boy" for an obscene little amount of money.  The prisoners were not allowed to make a profit on these outside projects.  These leather notebooks are so well made I am certain they will last forever.

I was a substance abuse counselor for a Therapeutic Communities style of therapy at the Clements Unit in Amarillo, Texas called Lone Star Stay'n Out.   The program was designed to treat substance abuse by making changes in attitude and behavior that would lead to a low recidivism rate. When I left the program we were operating at a high 80% success rate.  Those were good times as I learned to be a tough cookie by working in a Prison Setting. 

Mark had just started his educational career at New Mexico State University and had requested an Aztec theme.  Poor Captain's "boy" came up with this design instead.  It's still nice.

My design was the logo for that company.  It means:  the key to stay'n out (of prison) is Lone Star (therapeutic communities). The Zia symbol from the state flag of New Mexico is on the back of my portfolio.  I'm a Native New Mexican.

It is a shame I now work from home.  I would love to show off this Notebook thingy thing in an office somewhere.

PS:  Wonder if Captain's "boy" is a free man now a days?

PPS:  My walk-in closet in my apartment in Amarillo was larger than a cell at the Clements Unit. 

PPPS:  I got to meet Governor Ann Richards as this program was a pet project of hers.

PPPPS:  I didn't get to meet Governor George Bush as he closed down all pet projects of Ann Richards.

PPPPPS:  Funny how current job sometimes feels like a prison?

Posted via email from FoodAndHowToEat: It.

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